The Blog

definitionThis is a term and concept I picked up years ago from the film, Silver Linings Playbook, and it highlights a person’s quest for optimism, above mere positivity. Optimism is the acknowledgement of anything going wrong, with the belief and hope in the possibility of anything going right just as well. Behind every cloud lies a silver lining.

This is my constant search and journey to silver linings and beyond and on.

In here you’ll probably find just about anything and everything that I draw inspiration from and through my posts you’ll get to know me and the things that matter to me. I grew up expressing my thoughts through writing and more. This’ll be my own little way of both holding on and letting go—of the big and the small, the highs and the lows, and every story. This is my speck and two cents in our collective human condition. Apart from this years-old outlet, I had previous blogs, I currently keep a planner where I handwrite all my activities down and a separate thank you journal where I list all the good things that happened to me each day.

As you’ve probably noticed, I love paper planes. This is because I’d like to believe in the idea that everyone has something worth saying and these are all floating around; I’ve just decided to depict them as symbolic paper planes. That might be a nice idea of heaven that I borrowed from the plot of my favorite Mitch Albom book and the first novel that made me discover writing late in high school. However not everyone can find courage to say things. We live in an inhibited, wall-raising world today. My idea of paper planes containing thoughts and messages, which perhaps may take detours on their way to reaching whoever and wherever. In this blog, my paper planes wander free floating, till they get to where they’re meant to go.

In the meantime, maybe another stranger or so ought to stumble on all these other parts of me you might just find.

May this space, in one way or another, make you feel a little more found.

Welcome to my everyday challenge towards Ever Upwards.
Thanks for dropping by!  ☺

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